We believe that God calls every Christian to be involved in His great enterprise of bringing the gospel to “the end of the earth” (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8). We can pray, give, or go. We believe the most urgent need in missions is to bring the gospel to those who have yet to have the opportunity to hear about Jesus. We also believe that the best way for people in any given place to come to know Christ is through the ministry of local churches, and thus we are committed to church-planting in various “hard” places around the world. Our desire as a church body is to partner in meaningful, encouraging ways with the missionaries we support around the world.
Missionaries We Support
Indigenous Turkana, Kenya Missionary-Pastors
Turkana County, NW Kenya
Share International was birthed in 1988 when Sammy Murimi, a Kenyan, felt a distinct call from God to devote his life to bring the gospel to the unreached, semi-nomadic tribe within his home country: the Turkana. After receiving a formal theological education, Share was officially started in 1997, with Sammy’s first actual trip to the desert of northwest Kenya. Since then, by God’s grace and power, over 500 churches have been planted, and now the pastors of this once unreached tribe of a million people are embarking on bringing the gospel to a neighboring unreached tribe called the Toposa, across the border into South Sudan. Our church has had the privilege of sending many short-term teams to Turkanaland over the years, to work alongside these dear brothers and sisters in their evangelistic and discipleship efforts.

India Rural Evangelical Fellowship
IREF is an evangelical development organization working in the rural villages of South India. IREF operates orphanages housing over 2,000 children. IREF also sponsors over 200 evangelists in rural areas, three of which Galena Bible Church supports directly.
Sam & Alejandra Killins
Sam and Alejandra Killins are church-planters with Christian Missions in Many Lands (CMML), serving in the country of Columbia and currently focused in the border city of Cucuta. They work primarily with Venezuelan immigrants and Columbia youth, introducing them to the Gospel, discipling them as individuals and as a local body meeting together to grow in Christ, and also providing practical support as they seek to successfully make a living.

Roger and Lynn Hamilton
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Navigators reach out to young people on college campuses, military bases, downtown offices, urban neighborhoods, prisons, and youth camps. Throughout the year Roger and Lynn have had the privilege of training young men and women of Navigators to prepare them for leadership opportunities. Bible studies, leadership training, fundraising training, professional development workshops- all these things were taught from September to May to prepare our Emerging Leaders Program staff to flourish in their summer roles.

Phil and Cindy Fisk
Leuven, Belgium
Philip is a senior researcher and lecturer in historical theology at the Jonathan Edwards Center Benelux, headquartered at the ETF Leuven, Belgium. He teaches courses such as European Reformations, History of Christian Doctrine, an Interdisciplinary Course on “Knowing God,” and specializes in Jonathan Edwards Studies. Cindy is the coordinator of the “Sara” ministries (caring for young mothers) under the “Barnabas” team at the International Baptist Church – Brussels. She also leads the Women’s Bible Study on Thursdays.

Scott and Jess Grote
Burlington, NC, United States
Scott is the director of aircraft maintenance and is responsible for the preparation, maintenance, and inspection of all MAG aircraft whether here in the US or overseas.

Memduh & Suna Uysal
Cologne, Germany
Memduh and Suna work in radio and chat room ministries working to reach out to the Turkish-speaking Muslims around the world. They help direct seekers to churches and give answers to those who are searching. The radio and chat room ministry is a great way to reach those who have never heard the Gospel. The chat room is a safe place for Muslims to voice their questions.

Mark & Audrey Kreiss
La Paz, Bolivia
Mark and Audrey serve at Highlands International School. Highlands is a Christian school which encourages discipleship, mentoring and Gospel truth through their Biblically integrated education. Mark teaches history and Audrey serves as their guidance counselor. Through the connections at the school they are able to share the Gospel and disciple students in Christ.