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GBC has been a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) since 1987. Our own local church’s statement of faith is that of the EFCA. The mission of the EFCA: “We exist to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people.”

“We exist for the express purpose of partnering with parents to educate students from a biblical worldview for excellence in lifelong learning and Christ-like character. While we are a private school, we are a Christian school first and foremost, which means our Christian worldview touches every aspect of school life at Tri-State.

The Clarity Clinic Is a gospel-driven Pregnancy Resource Center in Dubuque that provides limited medical services, options consultation, and parenting education to people facing pregnancy decisions. All of Clarity Clinic’s services are 100% free of charge.

Radius Church is located on the north end of Dubuque in an under-resourced area. They have a vibrant outreach to the children and families in their local community called the Dubuque Dream Center, which majors in after-school tutoring and many extra-curricular activities, like basketball leagues and dance lessons. All such activities are done in the name and strength of Christ. GBC had a role in helping found Radius Church and has an ongoing mutually-encouraging relationship with their leadership.

“At 9Marks, we help pastors, future pastors, and church members see what a biblical church looks like, and to take practical steps for becoming one. Our goal is to see churches characterized by nine biblical marks of a healthy church.”

We have found this daily, brief podcast to be extremely helpful in understanding and analyzing news and current events from a Christian worldview. Dr. Mohler is a theologian and president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.