Proclaiming God's Excellencies

Welcome to Galena Bible Church

We meet every Sunday. Join us for our next service!

Family Bible Hour

Sundays at 9:15 AM

Worship Service

Sundays at 10:30 AM

Sunday Service

We would be delighted to have you come visit and worship with us. We trust that you'll find us to be a friendly bunch! As we worship together, we sing God's praises, pray, hear how God has been at work in individuals' lives, and sit under the preaching of God's good Word

Upcoming Events

FBH Fellowship at The River Museum

Families who participate in our Family Bible Hour (FBH) are invited to join the FBH teachers at the Mississippi River Museum for a fun afternoon of fellowship and sights. We will meet at 12:00 PM for lunch (bring your own) and pastor Ray will share a short devotional during lunch. Afterwards, families can enjoy the museum with their kids’ FBH classmates.

The cost is only $10 per person and we ask that families bring their own lunch.

We hope you can join us!

Palm Sunday Service
Palm Sunday Service

Hosanna! We invite you to worship with us Sunday April 13th at 10:30am!

Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service

Worship with us as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. Friday, April 18, 6:30PM.

Easter Service
Easter Service

Come worship with us Easter Sunday April 20th at 10:30AM! There will be a continental breakfast starting at 10:00AM.

Men's Retreat

God can work in amazing ways when men can get away to be under God’s Word together for a more extended period of time. Relationships can be formed and strengthened. Sometimes, God might really get a hold of our hearts in a special way at a retreat, and sometimes, men can come to know the Lord!

Men, we need God. We need each other. We need times like this to grow and be equipped to live a more Christ-honoring life.

Sign up today!

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Prayer Requests

Let us know how we can pray for you.